Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Affect Your Next Tax Refund Check?
If you are in trouble financially and decide to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will find relief almost instantly after filing the paperwork. This chapter of bankruptcy gives you relief from your creditors and helps you get rid of debts, but there are consequences too. One consequence involves surrendering things you own, and your next tax return might be one of things you will have to give up. Why the trustee has a right to your tax return
Two Ways To Avoid A Foreclosure During A Divorce
Divorce proceedings can be pretty messy legally, but they can get even more complicated if a homeowner is facing foreclosure during a divorce. What happens if neither spouse wants the house and the debt that goes with it? What if both spouses do want the house (and associated risk of foreclosure)? Here's a look at two ways to avoid a foreclosure during divorce proceedings. Short Sale If neither spouse wants the house, consider a short sale.
Three Myths You May Have Heard About Bankruptcy
Unless you have filed for bankruptcy before, you may not quite understand all the rules surrounding it. Even if you have filed before, there are different types of bankruptcies with different obligations with each type. When it comes to filing bankruptcy, you want to make sure you have thought long and hard about your options. It is also important that you consult with a bankruptcy attorney before filing so you know exactly what you are dealing with and what repercussions could follow in the future.
Tips For Divorcing An Abusive Spouse
If you are planning to divorce an abusive spouse, there are steps you can take to help protect you and your family and ensure that the court takes into consideration the safety of all concerned. You should start to plan long before you actually file. To help ensure you are doing everything you can to get a fair outcome to your divorce, here are some tips to follow. Get a Child Custody Evaluation
Getting Rid Of Your Debt For The New Year: Ideas For You
When you set your New Year's resolutions this year, you may decide that this the year that you are going to finally get control of your finances and overcome your debt. However, you may not know what you can do to achieve that goal. And if you allow yourself to get overwhelmed with your debts, you may give up on your goals before you even get started. However, if you get to know some of the ways that you can start getting rid of your debt this year, you can start your year off right and make your dreams a reality.